2015 has been such a crazy, fun and exciting year for Marc and I. I finally took the plunge and became a true full time photographer, no part-time jobs, just me and my business. Truth be told, I was super nervous but all that worrying was pointless because 2015 has been my best year! I shot 21 weddings and second shot 10 weddings for other photographers. :)
That's enough business talk – more on that later. :)
In February Marc and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary by eating italian subs and watching the Patriots win the SuperBowl. A win for both of us – Mmmmm subs! We closed on our new house in March and moved in shortly after. The house didn't need much work – only easy cosmetic stuff like new paint and carpet – Yay! Although I have to say I hate painting now!! Over the Summer we adopted two adorable kittens – Tango and Cash. I can't take credit for their names, it was all Marc's idea. These two cuties have adjusted well to our home and have turned into just want we wanted – jerk cats that like to cuddle from time to time. By the end of Summer our condo in Seabrook was still on the market which was annoying because carrying two mortgages is never fun. We pulled through by working a lot and by the end of October the condo finally sold – Hooray!! 2015 was pretty amazing but something tells me 2016 is going to be even more amazing with the addition of baby McCarthy joining us in August!!!!

Favorite cake topper ever!